Organizational Management

Association for Under-privileged People (AUP) adopts a system of participatory and decentralized management. A 9-Members Executive Council (E.C) governs AUP and there is a 3-members Advisory Council to advice the E.C. The Executive Director performs his role as the Chief Executive Officer of the organization.

At the top and the mid-level development workers at the field level can work independently and confidently because they have the Program Manual which set forth detail Instructions and guidelines of the organization towards implementation. AUP has its Internal Audit Cell to ensure the quality of work at the field level.

Working strategy

AUP believes that social the development will come through establishment of the civil society and their active participation. So, AUP’s development approaches are as follows:

  • Facilitate to ensure people’s participation in the planning and controlling of their own development.
  • Assist to enhance institutional development of local level organizations to sustain the development process.
  • Support to establish self-reliance through ensuring proper utilization of local resources.
  • Promote and emphasize on local and national voluntarism and encourage developing strong, participatory leadership.
  • Assist to establish networking of those people working with the same goals and philosophy.
  • Technical support for institutional building, capacity building and sustainable development.
  • Financial support for different development activities.

Managerial capacity of AUP

  • Have a valid Executive Council to formulate Organizational policy.
  • Approved Organogram.
  • Approved Pay scale
  • Service Rule.
  • Financial Management Manual.
  • Personal records of the staff maintained.
  • Procurement policy.
  • Maintains monthly MIS & FIS Reporting.
  • Yearly expenditure Plan and Budget.
  • External Audit Report.
  • Targeted community’s involvement during project design.
  • Existing projects are being implemented.
  • Strong Monitoring & Evaluation Cell.
  • Good leadership.
  • Approaches toward financial sustainability.
  • Participatory planning and decision-making process.
  • Regular supervisory mechanism.
  • Financial capability.

Executive Council members






M. Abdur Rashid


Retired Deputy General Manager of Uttara Bank Ltd. Dhaka


Md. Mujibur Rahman Masud

Executive Member

Chief Reporter of the Daily Jugantar


Muzibul Islam Faruque


Full time Social Worker. Founder Chairman and working Executive .Director of AUP.


Kabir Uddin Ahmad

Finance Secretary

Full time Social Worker


Md. Arifur Rahman

Executive Member

Working as Pharmacist in a Private Company


Mrs. Tahmina Mahmud

Executive Member

Owner of  Diagnostic Lab &Treatment Center at Maloy Bazar, Daudkandi, Cumilla.


Mrs.Josna Akhter

Executive Member

House wife.


Anwar Hossain

Executive Member

Senior Officer of a Scheduled  Bank


Md. Harun Ar -Rashid

Executive Member

Head Master of  Secondary High School.

The Board Members indeed receive no benefits from the organization. They give their services to the organization out of their social commitment. But they receive conveyance bill only to attend the scheduled meetings of the Executive Council.