Welcome to Association for Under-privileged People (AUP).

association for Under-privileged People (AUP) is a non-government, non-profitable, socio-economic development organization that was established by some socially conscious senior citizens with relief operation and rehabilitation activities during the devastating flood in 1998 to help the displaced and distressed people around Dhaka Metropolitan City.

A Place That Helps
Growth of Your Work

Our Vision

AUP works for the people to achieve socio-economic development through social mobilization, human development and financial assistance. AUP believes in human quality and strength and try to unite people together towards a positive social change.

Our Mission

AUP looks forward to accelerate and achieve the sustainable socio-economic development through development education, self-employment and empowerment of the underprivileged people.

Our Objectives

Our prime objective is to eradicate poverty through education, self-employment and empowerments of the vulnerable section of the society ensuring their participation to the mainstream development activities.

Value statement

AUP has the four core values, which act as guiding forces of the organization: Transparency, Accountability, justice & Equal opportunity.


AUP has to follow the principles that enable the organization to work with other stakeholders and address the needs of the primary partners of the organization.

(i) Participation for all, (ii) Working for underprivileged people, (iii) Non-racial (iv) Non-partisan, (v) Empowerment Women & Youth Community.

Legal Status:

AUP is registered with the Directorate of Social Welfare,Microcredit Regulatory Authority (MRA) NGO Affairs Bureau having good relationship with the central and local level Governments’ departments and autonomous bodies as well as other NGOs network.

Registration Authority

Registration No


Directorate of Social Welfare

Registration # Dha-04160,         


NGO Affairs Bureau

Registration # 1692,


Micro credit Regulatory Authority

M R A No. 000058   
